Prospective Authors

Thank you for your interest in publishing with Princeton University Press, where we welcome proposals for new books in a wide range of disciplines. You can learn more about our publishing programs across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences by clicking on individual editors’ photos, below.

As part of the Press’s larger commitment to embrace the highest standards of scholarship, inclusivity, and diversity, we are eager to highlight voices and topics that have been historically underrecognized in the academy and in our own publishing.

Submit a Book Proposal

If you have a book project that fits our list and profile, please send a brief proposal to the appropriate editor’s email address, which you can find in their contact page by clicking on their photo below. You can also find guidelines regarding what to include in your proposal. Reasonable accommodations may be provided upon request; please include such requests in the covering email of the proposal submission.

Please do not submit proposals to more than one editor. Editors will pass proposals on to their colleagues if they are better suited to another list. Unless you receive an email bounce back, be assured your proposal has been received.

And please allow up to eight weeks for an editor to consider your submission. We are grateful to receive a high volume of submissions, but this also means we cannot respond to them all. If you do not receive a response from a member of our editorial team within this time frame, we encourage you to pursue other publishing opportunities for your work.

View Proposal Guidelines