Publishing with the Princeton University Press LaTeX Macros


  1. Introduction
  2. The Document Preamble and Class Options
  3. Frontmatter
    1. Title Page
    2. Copyright Page
    3. Dedication
    4. Epigraph
    5. Table of Contents
      1. List of Figures/Tables
    6. Foreword
    7. Preface
    8. Acknowledgments
    9. Abbreviations
  4. The Body
    1. Part Pages
    2. Chapters
      1. Special footnote in Chapter opener
    3. Standard LaTeX Commands and Extensions
      1. Lists
      2. Theorem-like Environments
      3. More on Enunciations
      4. Boxed Text
      5. Extract
      6. Poem / Verse
      7. Dialogue List
      8. Computer coded programs
      9. Display Math
    4. Bibliography
    5. Contributor’s List
    6. Indexing
  5. Further Reading

1. Preliminaries

If you are preparing TeX files for us to typeset, we ask that you comply with the following requests. The following guidelines are more specifically geared toward the preparation of LaTeX 2e files. However, if your files are composed in Plain TeX, AMSTeX, or some other version of TeX, these guidelines should still apply.

  1. Information. Please provide as much information as possible concerning the files you have prepared. You should have received a Production Checklist for TeX Manuscripts, which lists some of the things we need to know about your files. (If you have not received this checklist, please call your editorial representative at the Press and have him/her send you one.) This information is vital for the effective handling of your files. If you have any more information to add to this checklist, by all means, feel free to do so.

  2. Formatting and macros. As you know, TeX (and its many versions) is a very powerful program that allows the keyboarder a great deal of creativity. When submitting files for us to typeset, however, we prefer that you keep your formatting as uncomplicated as possible.

    If you are using LaTeX or AMSLaTeX, please use the generic coding that these macro packages provide (e.g., in the LaTeX environment, use the \section, \subsection commands to define your section and subsection headings). Most important, do not redefine any plain TeX or LaTeX 2control sequences! Please refrain from developing your own codes regarding the appearance of subsection heads, paragraph indentation, word spacing, and page breaks; do not use explicit TeX coding to control line and page breaks, and do not use explicit horizontal and vertical spacing commands. Let LaTeX or AMSTeX do this for you. These are all design features that our designers and compositors will most likely need to alter and the less you change these elements, the easier it will be for the compositor to substitute the necessary codes and macros to impose the chosen design. TeX allows you the ability to produce a book-crafted quality manuscript, and it is tempting to format your files so as to achieve a more aesthetic appearance; but if we are to typeset the manuscript for you, we ask that you please refrain from doing so. The more “creative” coding you use, the more difficult and costly it will be for us to work with your files. In other words, let us worry about typesetting so you can concentrate on writing.

    1. Use the Computer Modern fonts only, and use those Computer Modern fonts provided by the TeX version you are using. The compositor will change the fonts as necessary. If you are responsible for page makeup, see the discussion of font options in Section 3 The Document Preamble and Class Options, of this document.

    2. Please keep format and content separate; do not put typesetting codes within key formats. If you find it necessary to make modifications, please keep a list, keep the modifications separate from the text, and try to keep them all in one place (such as confined to a *.STY file or to the preamble of your document file). Should it become necessary for us to redefine your format coding, it is much easier for us if we can find the codes. Do not insert format coding in the middle of your text (for example, defining the type size and width of an extract). If you find that you have to create new formats as you work, please flag the manuscript where these new items appear, and then place the appropriate coding at the beginning of your file.

    3. Please let us know if you are using any style file other than the Princeton pupbook.cls for LaTeX 2eNote: altered versions of the standard book.sty do exist. If you are aware that you are using an altered version, please let us know. If you have no idea, please tell us where you obtained your book.sty. (The default LaTeX book.sty has a text height of 44 picas [approximately 7 1/4 inches], and a text width of 27 picas [approximately 4 1/2 inches])

    4. Do not use any figure placement programs to embed illustrations in your files. Textures users: Although Textures permits Macintosh-style cut and paste operations on figures, please avoid using this feature. Your artwork should consist of separate files on-disk, called into the LaTeX 2document using the standard art insertion macros.

    5. Please check to make sure your files are coded as consistently as possible.

  3. Preparing a test disk. Before we receive your manuscript, it is imperative that you send a disk containing a few sample files. This allows us to get an idea of how your files have been prepared and also will enable us to anticipate problems we might encounter in the typesetting of your files. On your test disk, please include in the sample files:

    On a separate disk, please send a sample of the graphics program (if any) that you are using. Please note that test disk(s) will not be returned to you, so please keep backups of anything you send.

    1. Several complete paragraphs containing some of the more complicated mathematical formulae, footnotes, and section headings

    2. Sample bibliographic references

    3. Examples of block quotations, lists, and tables

  4. Submitting the manuscript. Before submitting your final manuscript, please talk with your acquisitions editor. He/she will tell you exactly what the production editor will need.

    1. Provide electronic files that match your printout precisely. If you make corrections after printing out the final manuscript, please add them to the manuscript by hand or on separate sheets of paper that are marked “not on disk” do not print out new pages with corrections that are not reflected in the files supplied to the Press.

    2. Include a list of file names and the corresponding manuscript page numbers.

    3. List all accents and special (mathematical, Greek, Fraktur, etc.) characters that appear in the manuscript.

    4. Keep a complete set of backup disks.


  5. Copyediting. Do not make changes to your backups during copyediting.

    The copyedited manuscript will be sent to you for approval. This is your last opportunity to make changes on the physical copy. Thereafter, all approved editorial corrections will be added to your electronic files by the TeX manuscript compositor.


If you have any difficulty with the macros /general TeX questions / TeX support, please contact Tex Support Team at

You can post any files that needed for support in the below mentioned dropbox location:


2. Introduction

  1. There are concrete advantages provided by standardized macros:


    1. Uniform appearance for entire series.

    2. Since you will see a very accurate representation of your completed book, you have control over the size and placement of tables and figures.

    3. Break long displayed equations properly.

    4. Realistic book length estimation.


3. The Document Preamble and Class Options

The various entries in your LaTeX preamble are largely determined by the fonts present on your system.

If your LaTeX installation includes only the basic Computer Modern font set (CMR font family), use the following entries in your preamble:

\documentclass[optional arguments]{pupbook}
Example: \documentclass[6x9,contribtitle,thmnumcontwithchapter,WebLink,AddlevelTwoTOC,NumRef,BookEndNote]{pupbook}

\documentclass[optional arguments]{pupbook}

Other class options can be included in the bracketed argument of the command, separated by commas. Optional arguments include the following:

10pt/11pt Use one of these options to change the basal text size of your book.
The default is 10 point type.

final Without this option, lines that extend past the margin will have black boxes next to them to help authors identify lines that they need to fix by rewriting or inserting breaks. final turns these boxes off so that very small margin breaks that are not noticeable will not cause boxes to be generated.

contribtitle Use this option for multi-contributor titles which would allow the author names to appear after chapter title.

Enunciations Theorem-like environments (theorem, corollary, definition, lemma, proposition, examples, remarks, etc.) normally number together; that is, they all use the same counter. The enunciation sequence number option allows the user to define these structures in the preamble of the document, using independent counters, if desired.


For Enunciation with sequence numbers, below options can be used:

  1. thmnumcontinue - Use this option to get the numbers in sequence. For example: Theorem 1, Lemma 2, etc.
  2. thmnumwithchapter - Use this option to get the numbers with corresponding chapter numbers. For example: Theorem 1.1, Lemma 1.1, etc.
  3. thmnumcontwithchapter - Use this option to get the numbers in sequence (considering all Enunciations in order) with corresponding chapter numbers. For example: Theorem 1.1, Lemma 1.2, etc.

BookEndNote – Use this option to get the notes as book endnotes. Use the tag \theendnotes wherever you want to print the end notes

ChapEndNote – Use this option to get the notes as chapter endnotes. Use the tag \theendnotes wherever you want to print the end notes

WebLink – It will enable the bookmarks and hyper links for the cross links

AddlevelOneTOC, AddlevelTwoTOC, AddlevelThreeTOC - Use any one of this option to include the heading levels in TOC

NumRef – Use this option to control the Reference entries as numbered list

Name&YearRef – Use this option to control the Reference entries as Author and Year style; for this style, refer to the detailed natbib options in


4. Frontmatter

Consisting of the half-title, series page (if any), title page for single author / multiple author with their affiliations (if any), copyright page, series page (if any), dedication page (if any), book epigraph (if any), table of contents, list of figures, list of tables, foreword, preface, acknowledgments, abbreviations, list of contributors and frontmatter introduction (if any).

Follow the \begin{document} command with:


4.1 Title Page:

Title with Single-author books:

\title{Metaphysical Implications\
of Quantum Mechanical Dynamics}
\shorttitle{Quantum Mechanical Dynamics}
\subtitle{Applications of Magic in Engineering, Physics, and
\author{A. N. Author}
\edition{Second Edition}
\begin{seriespage}[Series page title]
\title{Series book title1,}
\author{Author of series book1}
\title{Series book title2,}
\author{Author of series book2}
\title{Series book title3,}
\author{Author of series book3}

Title with Multi-author books:

\title{Metaphysical Implications\
of Quantum Mechanical Dynamics}
\shorttitle{Quantum Mechanical Dynamics}
\subtitle{Applications of Magic in Engineering, Physics, and
\author{A. N. Author}
\edition{Second Edition}
\author{A. N. Author}
\nextauthor{A. Next Author}
\nextaffiliation{Second author’s affiliation}

\begin{bookepigraph}…\epigraphsource{Charles Baudelaire, \textit{Une charogne} (Les Fleurs du Mai)}


Note: You need not create your entire book as a single file. Use the standard LaTeX commands \include and \includeonly to work with multiple files.

4.2 Copyright Page:

Use the tag \begin{copyrightpage}… \end{copyrightpage} for copyright text

4.3 Dedication

Use the tag \begin{dedication}… \end{dedication} for dedication text

4.4 Epigraph

Use the tag \begin{bookepigraph}… \end{bookepigraph} for epigraph text

4.5 Table of Contents

Use the \tableofcontents command to automatically create the table of contents.

AddlevelOneTOC, AddlevelTwoTOC, AddlevelThreeTOC - Use any one of this option in \documentclass to define the heading levels in TOC

4.5.1 List of Figures/Tables

Use the \tableofcontents, \listoffigures, and \listoftables command to automatically create the table of contents, list of figures and tables.

4.6 Foreword

Use the tag \begin{theforeword}… \end{theforeword} for foreword text

4.7 Preface

Use the \begin{thepreface}…\end{thepreface} environment to create your preface.

4.8 Acknowledgments

Use the tag \begin{theacknowledgment}…\end{theacknowledgment} environment to create your acknowledgment.

4.9 Abbreviations

Use the tag \begin{theabbreviation}… \end{theabbreviation} for abbreviation text


5. The Body

5.1 Part Pages

Insert the command


after your frontmatter. This will change page numbering to arabic, as well as reactivating chapter numbering.

If your book is divided into parts, use the standard \part command:

\part{A Sample Part Page}

Use the tag \partepi{…} for part epigraph if any and place this tag before the part command.

5.2 Chapters

The syntax of the \chapter command follows that of the standard LaTeX:

\chapter[optional text]{Chapter title}

in which optional text can be a shortened version of the chapter title, for inclusion in the [right] running head.

5.2.1 Special footnote in Chapter opener

Use the tag \footnotetext{1}{….} for unnumbered footnote in chapter opener if required.

5.3 Standard LaTeX Commands and Extensions

At this point, all the standard LaTeX commands may be employed, including



 etc., for more display equation styles refer

5.3.1 Lists

Although the standard LaTeX list environments remain intact, several new list structures are available that provide cleaner formatting.

Use the standard tag enumerate, providing indented entries with arabic numerals. Use in this manner:

\item Addition is \emph{commutative}, i.e., $T + U = U + T$;

\item Addition is \emph{associative}, i.e., $(T + U ) + V = T + ( U + V )$;

\item there exists in $R_2$ a unique vector $0$, called the
\emph{origin}, such that $T + 0 = T$ for all $T$ in $R_2$;

\item To each $T$ in $R_2$ there corresponds a unique vector, called
the \emph{inverse} of $T$ and denoted by $-T$, such that
$T + ( - T) = 0$.

Note: Use this same tag for sublist too.

Use the standard tag itemize environment. Creates indented entries with a bullet centered vertically on the first line of text.

\item Multiplication is \emph{distributive} with respect to
the addition of vectors, i.e., $a ( T + U ) = aT + aU$;

\item Multiplication is \emph{distributive} with respect to
the addition of numbers, i.e., $( a + b ) T = aT + bT$;

\item Multiplication is \emph{associative} with respect to
multiplication of numbers, i.e., $a ( b T ) = ( a b ) T$;

\item $0T = 0$ and $1 T = T$.
 Note that the symbols appearing in the first equation are conceptually different; the symbol on the left is the number zero while the symbol on the right is the origin of $R_2$.

Unnumbered list:

Use the below tag
\item …

5.3.2 Theorem-like Environments

The following environments are provided to create various theorem-like structures:






Additional environments are also provided:



5.3.3 More on Enunciations

If you modify the section of pupbook.cls dealing with Enunciations, please rename your modified class file. Do not overwrite pupbook.cls.

After invoking Enunciations, the standard LaTeX \newtheorem command can be used to create the environments mentioned above; in addition, the PUP macros provide a new command, \newtheoremup , that works exactly like \newtheorem, but produces upright (roman) text rather than italic. See any of the standard references for information on using \newtheorem.

Altering the appearance of environments created with \newtheorem can be problematic. The AMS package amsthm.sty provides various options for “styling” theorems: type shape, spacing, etc. all become customizable, to some extent. (All LaTeX packages can be found at The following shows how to create two different theoremstyles that closely match the PUP style, with a user-defined numbering system.

%_%_%_%_% plain style; italic text
        {8pt plus2pt minus4pt}%
        {8pt plus2pt minus4pt}%

%_%_%_%_% upright style; roman (non-italic) text
        {8pt plus2pt minus4pt}%
        {8pt plus2pt minus4pt}%



For a wonderfully lucid explanation of some AMSLaTeX nuances, see the website at:˜charlie/amslatex.htm

5.3.4 Boxed Text

Text within Box (Framed Box)

Use the tag \begin{framed}…\end{framed} for framed box

Text with shades in background (Shaded Box)

Use the tag \begin{shaded}\textadjustwidth … \end{shaded} for shaded box

5.3.5 Extract

Use the tag for extract


\source{Source text for Extract}


5.3.6 Poem / Verse

Use the tag \begin{verse}… \end{verse} for poem / verse.

5.3.7 Dialogue List

Use the tag for Dialogue list


\item[Speaker 1]…

\item[Speaker 2]…


5.3.8 Computer coded programs

Use the tag \begin{verbatim}… \end{verbatim} for computer coded programs

5.3.9 Display Math

The template has been enabled for “amsmath” with all options and can be viewed.



For more details on display equation styles refer

5.4 Bibliography

Here we use the standard LaTeX commands:


The \backmatter command turns off chapter numbering for your Index and Bibliography. See Lamport or Kopka for details on creating the bibliography manually or with the freeware BibTeX program. If you are using BibTeX, we recommend the chicago.bst for following the Chicago Manual of Style.

“natbib” package has been enabled in the template for both numbered and author-year bibliography styles.

For more details refer

5.5 Contributor’s List

Use the tag \begin{Contriblist}\contrib{Contributor name}…\end{Contriblist} for contributor’s list

5.6 Indexing

The preamble statements


prepare your document for indexing. Use the standard LaTeX command


to insert an entry.

After inserting all indexing entries, run the public domain MakeIndex program. This utility will order and format your entries and subentries. Again, see Lamport or Kopka for details.


6. Further Reading

Goosens M., Mittlebach F. and Samarin A. (1994). The LaTeX Companion. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.

Griffiths D.F. and Higham, D.J. (1997). Learning LaTeX. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA.

Kopka H. and Daly P.W. (1999). A Guide to LaTeX: Document Preparation for Beginners and Advanced Users, 3rd Ed. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.

Lamport L. (1994). LaTeX—A Document Preparation System, 2nd Ed. Updated for LaTeX 2e. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.



  1. Preliminaries
  2. Introduction
  3. The Document Preamble and Class Options
  4. Frontmatter
    1. Title Page
    2. Copyright Page
    3. Dedication
    4. Epigraph
    5. Table of Contents
      1. List of Figures/Tables
    6. Foreword
    7. Preface
    8. Acknowledgments
    9. Abbreviations
  5. The Body
    1. Part Pages
    2. Chapters
      1. Special footnote in Chapter opener
    3. Standard LaTeX Commands and Extensions
      1. Lists
      2. Theorem-like Environments
      3. More on Enunciations
      4. Boxed Text
      5. Extract
      6. Poem / Verse
      7. Dialogue List
      8. Computer coded programs
      9. Display Math
    4. Bibliography
    5. Contributor’s List
    6. Indexing
  6. Further Reading

1. Preliminaries

If you are preparing TeX files for us to typeset, we ask that you comply with the following requests. The following guidelines are more specifically geared toward the preparation of LaTeX 2e files. However, if your files are composed in Plain TeX, AMSTeX, or some other version of TeX, these guidelines should still apply.

  1. Information. Please provide as much information as possible concerning the files you have prepared. You should have received a Production Checklist for TeX Manuscripts, which lists some of the things we need to know about your files. (If you have not received this checklist, please call your editorial representative at the Press and have him/her send you one.) This information is vital for the effective handling of your files. If you have any more information to add to this checklist, by all means, feel free to do so.

  2. Formatting and macros. As you know, TeX (and its many versions) is a very powerful program that allows the keyboarder a great deal of creativity. When submitting files for us to typeset, however, we prefer that you keep your formatting as uncomplicated as possible.

    If you are using LaTeX or AMSLaTeX, please use the generic coding that these macro packages provide (e.g., in the LaTeX environment, use the \section, \subsection commands to define your section and subsection headings). Most important, do not redefine any plain TeX or LaTeX 2control sequences! Please refrain from developing your own codes regarding the appearance of subsection heads, paragraph indentation, word spacing, and page breaks; do not use explicit TeX coding to control line and page breaks, and do not use explicit horizontal and vertical spacing commands. Let LaTeX or AMSTeX do this for you. These are all design features that our designers and compositors will most likely need to alter and the less you change these elements, the easier it will be for the compositor to substitute the necessary codes and macros to impose the chosen design. TeX allows you the ability to produce a book-crafted quality manuscript, and it is tempting to format your files so as to achieve a more aesthetic appearance; but if we are to typeset the manuscript for you, we ask that you please refrain from doing so. The more “creative” coding you use, the more difficult and costly it will be for us to work with your files. In other words, let us worry about typesetting so you can concentrate on writing.

    1. Use the Computer Modern fonts only, and use those Computer Modern fonts provided by the TeX version you are using. The compositor will change the fonts as necessary. If you are responsible for page makeup, see the discussion of font options in Section 3 The Document Preamble and Class Options, of this document.

    2. Please keep format and content separate; do not put typesetting codes within key formats. If you find it necessary to make modifications, please keep a list, keep the modifications separate from the text, and try to keep them all in one place (such as confined to a *.STY file or to the preamble of your document file). Should it become necessary for us to redefine your format coding, it is much easier for us if we can find the codes. Do not insert format coding in the middle of your text (for example, defining the type size and width of an extract). If you find that you have to create new formats as you work, please flag the manuscript where these new items appear, and then place the appropriate coding at the beginning of your file.

    3. Please let us know if you are using any style file other than the Princeton pupbook.cls for LaTeX 2eNote: altered versions of the standard book.sty do exist. If you are aware that you are using an altered version, please let us know. If you have no idea, please tell us where you obtained your book.sty. (The default LaTeX book.sty has a text height of 44 picas [approximately 7 1/4 inches], and a text width of 27 picas [approximately 4 1/2 inches])

    4. Do not use any figure placement programs to embed illustrations in your files. Textures users: Although Textures permits Macintosh-style cut and paste operations on figures, please avoid using this feature. Your artwork should consist of separate files on-disk, called into the LaTeX 2document using the standard art insertion macros.

    5. Please check to make sure your files are coded as consistently as possible.

  3. Preparing a test disk. Before we receive your manuscript, it is imperative that you send a disk containing a few sample files. This allows us to get an idea of how your files have been prepared and also will enable us to anticipate problems we might encounter in the typesetting of your files. On your test disk, please include in the sample files:

    On a separate disk, please send a sample of the graphics program (if any) that you are using. Please note that test disk(s) will not be returned to you, so please keep backups of anything you send.

    1. Several complete paragraphs containing some of the more complicated mathematical formulae, footnotes, and section headings

    2. Sample bibliographic references

    3. Examples of block quotations, lists, and tables

  4. Submitting the manuscript. Before submitting your final manuscript, please talk with your acquisitions editor. He/she will tell you exactly what the production editor will need.

    1. Provide electronic files that match your printout precisely. If you make corrections after printing out the final manuscript, please add them to the manuscript by hand or on separate sheets of paper that are marked “not on disk” do not print out new pages with corrections that are not reflected in the files supplied to the Press.

    2. Include a list of file names and the corresponding manuscript page numbers.

    3. List all accents and special (mathematical, Greek, Fraktur, etc.) characters that appear in the manuscript.

    4. Keep a complete set of backup disks.


  5. Copyediting. Do not make changes to your backups during copyediting.

    The copyedited manuscript will be sent to you for approval. This is your last opportunity to make changes on the physical copy. Thereafter, all approved editorial corrections will be added to your electronic files by the TeX manuscript compositor.


If you have any difficulty with the macros /general TeX questions / TeX support, please contact Tex Support Team at

You can post any files that needed for support in the below mentioned dropbox location:


2. Introduction

  1. There are concrete advantages provided by standardized macros:


    1. Uniform appearance for entire series.

    2. Since you will see a very accurate representation of your completed book, you have control over the size and placement of tables and figures.

    3. Break long displayed equations properly.

    4. Realistic book length estimation.


3. The Document Preamble and Class Options

The various entries in your LaTeX preamble are largely determined by the fonts present on your system.

If your LaTeX installation includes only the basic Computer Modern font set (CMR font family), use the following entries in your preamble:

\documentclass[optional arguments]{pupbook}
Example: \documentclass[6x9,contribtitle,thmnumcontwithchapter,WebLink,AddlevelTwoTOC,NumRef,BookEndNote]{pupbook}

\documentclass[optional arguments]{pupbook}

Other class options can be included in the bracketed argument of the command, separated by commas. Optional arguments include the following:

10pt/11pt Use one of these options to change the basal text size of your book.
The default is 10 point type.

final Without this option, lines that extend past the margin will have black boxes next to them to help authors identify lines that they need to fix by rewriting or inserting breaks. final turns these boxes off so that very small margin breaks that are not noticeable will not cause boxes to be generated.

contribtitle Use this option for multi-contributor titles which would allow the author names to appear after chapter title.

Enunciations Theorem-like environments (theorem, corollary, definition, lemma, proposition, examples, remarks, etc.) normally number together; that is, they all use the same counter. The enunciation sequence number option allows the user to define these structures in the preamble of the document, using independent counters, if desired.


For Enunciation with sequence numbers, below options can be used:

  1. thmnumcontinue - Use this option to get the numbers in sequence. For example: Theorem 1, Lemma 2, etc.
  2. thmnumwithchapter - Use this option to get the numbers with corresponding chapter numbers. For example: Theorem 1.1, Lemma 1.1, etc.
  3. thmnumcontwithchapter - Use this option to get the numbers in sequence (considering all Enunciations in order) with corresponding chapter numbers. For example: Theorem 1.1, Lemma 1.2, etc.

BookEndNote – Use this option to get the notes as book endnotes. Use the tag \theendnotes wherever you want to print the end notes

ChapEndNote – Use this option to get the notes as chapter endnotes. Use the tag \theendnotes wherever you want to print the end notes

WebLink – It will enable the bookmarks and hyper links for the cross links

AddlevelOneTOC, AddlevelTwoTOC, AddlevelThreeTOC - Use any one of this option to include the heading levels in TOC

NumRef – Use this option to control the Reference entries as numbered list

Name&YearRef – Use this option to control the Reference entries as Author and Year style; for this style, refer to the detailed natbib options in


4. Frontmatter

Consisting of the half-title, series page (if any), title page for single author / multiple author with their affiliations (if any), copyright page, series page (if any), dedication page (if any), book epigraph (if any), table of contents, list of figures, list of tables, foreword, preface, acknowledgments, abbreviations, list of contributors and frontmatter introduction (if any).

Follow the \begin{document} command with:


4.1 Title Page:

Title with Single-author books:

\title{Metaphysical Implications\
of Quantum Mechanical Dynamics}
\shorttitle{Quantum Mechanical Dynamics}
\subtitle{Applications of Magic in Engineering, Physics, and
\author{A. N. Author}
\edition{Second Edition}
\begin{seriespage}[Series page title]
\title{Series book title1,}
\author{Author of series book1}
\title{Series book title2,}
\author{Author of series book2}
\title{Series book title3,}
\author{Author of series book3}

Title with Multi-author books:

\title{Metaphysical Implications\
of Quantum Mechanical Dynamics}
\shorttitle{Quantum Mechanical Dynamics}
\subtitle{Applications of Magic in Engineering, Physics, and
\author{A. N. Author}
\edition{Second Edition}
\author{A. N. Author}
\nextauthor{A. Next Author}
\nextaffiliation{Second author’s affiliation}

\begin{bookepigraph}…\epigraphsource{Charles Baudelaire, \textit{Une charogne} (Les Fleurs du Mai)}


Note: You need not create your entire book as a single file. Use the standard LaTeX commands \include and \includeonly to work with multiple files.

4.2 Copyright Page:

Use the tag \begin{copyrightpage}… \end{copyrightpage} for copyright text

4.3 Dedication

Use the tag \begin{dedication}… \end{dedication} for dedication text

4.4 Epigraph

Use the tag \begin{bookepigraph}… \end{bookepigraph} for epigraph text

4.5 Table of Contents

Use the \tableofcontents command to automatically create the table of contents.

AddlevelOneTOC, AddlevelTwoTOC, AddlevelThreeTOC - Use any one of this option in \documentclass to define the heading levels in TOC

4.5.1 List of Figures/Tables

Use the \tableofcontents, \listoffigures, and \listoftables command to automatically create the table of contents, list of figures and tables.

4.6 Foreword

Use the tag \begin{theforeword}… \end{theforeword} for foreword text

4.7 Preface

Use the \begin{thepreface}…\end{thepreface} environment to create your preface.

4.8 Acknowledgments

Use the tag \begin{theacknowledgment}…\end{theacknowledgment} environment to create your acknowledgment.

4.9 Abbreviations

Use the tag \begin{theabbreviation}… \end{theabbreviation} for abbreviation text


5. The Body

5.1 Part Pages

Insert the command


after your frontmatter. This will change page numbering to arabic, as well as reactivating chapter numbering.

If your book is divided into parts, use the standard \part command:

\part{A Sample Part Page}

Use the tag \partepi{…} for part epigraph if any and place this tag before the part command.

5.2 Chapters

The syntax of the \chapter command follows that of the standard LaTeX:

\chapter[optional text]{Chapter title}

in which optional text can be a shortened version of the chapter title, for inclusion in the [right] running head.

5.2.1 Special footnote in Chapter opener

Use the tag \footnotetext{1}{….} for unnumbered footnote in chapter opener if required.

5.3 Standard LaTeX Commands and Extensions

At this point, all the standard LaTeX commands may be employed, including



 etc., for more display equation styles refer

5.3.1 Lists

Although the standard LaTeX list environments remain intact, several new list structures are available that provide cleaner formatting.

Use the standard tag enumerate, providing indented entries with arabic numerals. Use in this manner:

\item Addition is \emph{commutative}, i.e., $T + U = U + T$;

\item Addition is \emph{associative}, i.e., $(T + U ) + V = T + ( U + V )$;

\item there exists in $R_2$ a unique vector $0$, called the
\emph{origin}, such that $T + 0 = T$ for all $T$ in $R_2$;

\item To each $T$ in $R_2$ there corresponds a unique vector, called
the \emph{inverse} of $T$ and denoted by $-T$, such that
$T + ( - T) = 0$.

Note: Use this same tag for sublist too.

Use the standard tag itemize environment. Creates indented entries with a bullet centered vertically on the first line of text.

\item Multiplication is \emph{distributive} with respect to
the addition of vectors, i.e., $a ( T + U ) = aT + aU$;

\item Multiplication is \emph{distributive} with respect to
the addition of numbers, i.e., $( a + b ) T = aT + bT$;

\item Multiplication is \emph{associative} with respect to
multiplication of numbers, i.e., $a ( b T ) = ( a b ) T$;

\item $0T = 0$ and $1 T = T$.
 Note that the symbols appearing in the first equation are conceptually different; the symbol on the left is the number zero while the symbol on the right is the origin of $R_2$.

Unnumbered list:

Use the below tag
\item …

5.3.2 Theorem-like Environments

The following environments are provided to create various theorem-like structures:






Additional environments are also provided:



5.3.3 More on Enunciations

If you modify the section of pupbook.cls dealing with Enunciations, please rename your modified class file. Do not overwrite pupbook.cls.

After invoking Enunciations, the standard LaTeX \newtheorem command can be used to create the environments mentioned above; in addition, the PUP macros provide a new command, \newtheoremup , that works exactly like \newtheorem, but produces upright (roman) text rather than italic. See any of the standard references for information on using \newtheorem.

Altering the appearance of environments created with \newtheorem can be problematic. The AMS package amsthm.sty provides various options for “styling” theorems: type shape, spacing, etc. all become customizable, to some extent. (All LaTeX packages can be found at The following shows how to create two different theoremstyles that closely match the PUP style, with a user-defined numbering system.

%_%_%_%_% plain style; italic text
        {8pt plus2pt minus4pt}%
        {8pt plus2pt minus4pt}%

%_%_%_%_% upright style; roman (non-italic) text
        {8pt plus2pt minus4pt}%
        {8pt plus2pt minus4pt}%



For a wonderfully lucid explanation of some AMSLaTeX nuances, see the website at:˜charlie/amslatex.htm

5.3.4 Boxed Text

Text within Box (Framed Box)

Use the tag \begin{framed}…\end{framed} for framed box

Text with shades in background (Shaded Box)

Use the tag \begin{shaded}\textadjustwidth … \end{shaded} for shaded box

5.3.5 Extract

Use the tag for extract


\source{Source text for Extract}


5.3.6 Poem / Verse

Use the tag \begin{verse}… \end{verse} for poem / verse.

5.3.7 Dialogue List

Use the tag for Dialogue list


\item[Speaker 1]…

\item[Speaker 2]…


5.3.8 Computer coded programs

Use the tag \begin{verbatim}… \end{verbatim} for computer coded programs

5.3.9 Display Math

The template has been enabled for “amsmath” with all options and can be viewed.



For more details on display equation styles refer

5.4 Bibliography

Here we use the standard LaTeX commands:


The \backmatter command turns off chapter numbering for your Index and Bibliography. See Lamport or Kopka for details on creating the bibliography manually or with the freeware BibTeX program. If you are using BibTeX, we recommend the chicago.bst for following the Chicago Manual of Style.

“natbib” package has been enabled in the template for both numbered and author-year bibliography styles.

For more details refer

5.5 Contributor’s List

Use the tag \begin{Contriblist}\contrib{Contributor name}…\end{Contriblist} for contributor’s list

5.6 Indexing

The preamble statements


prepare your document for indexing. Use the standard LaTeX command


to insert an entry.

After inserting all indexing entries, run the public domain MakeIndex program. This utility will order and format your entries and subentries. Again, see Lamport or Kopka for details.


6. Further Reading

Goosens M., Mittlebach F. and Samarin A. (1994). The LaTeX Companion. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.

Griffiths D.F. and Higham, D.J. (1997). Learning LaTeX. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA.

Kopka H. and Daly P.W. (1999). A Guide to LaTeX: Document Preparation for Beginners and Advanced Users, 3rd Ed. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.

Lamport L. (1994). LaTeX—A Document Preparation System, 2nd Ed. Updated for LaTeX 2e. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.


The Document Preamble and Class Options

  1. Preliminaries
  2. Introduction
  3. The Document Preamble and Class Options
  4. Frontmatter
    1. Title Page
    2. Copyright Page
    3. Dedication
    4. Epigraph
    5. Table of Contents
      1. List of Figures/Tables
    6. Foreword
    7. Preface
    8. Acknowledgments
    9. Abbreviations
  5. The Body
    1. Part Pages
    2. Chapters
      1. Special footnote in Chapter opener
    3. Standard LaTeX Commands and Extensions
      1. Lists
      2. Theorem-like Environments
      3. More on Enunciations
      4. Boxed Text
      5. Extract
      6. Poem / Verse
      7. Dialogue List
      8. Computer coded programs
      9. Display Math
    4. Bibliography
    5. Contributor’s List
    6. Indexing
  6. Further Reading

1. Preliminaries

If you are preparing TeX files for us to typeset, we ask that you comply with the following requests. The following guidelines are more specifically geared toward the preparation of LaTeX 2e files. However, if your files are composed in Plain TeX, AMSTeX, or some other version of TeX, these guidelines should still apply.

  1. Information. Please provide as much information as possible concerning the files you have prepared. You should have received a Production Checklist for TeX Manuscripts, which lists some of the things we need to know about your files. (If you have not received this checklist, please call your editorial representative at the Press and have him/her send you one.) This information is vital for the effective handling of your files. If you have any more information to add to this checklist, by all means, feel free to do so.

  2. Formatting and macros. As you know, TeX (and its many versions) is a very powerful program that allows the keyboarder a great deal of creativity. When submitting files for us to typeset, however, we prefer that you keep your formatting as uncomplicated as possible.

    If you are using LaTeX or AMSLaTeX, please use the generic coding that these macro packages provide (e.g., in the LaTeX environment, use the \section, \subsection commands to define your section and subsection headings). Most important, do not redefine any plain TeX or LaTeX 2control sequences! Please refrain from developing your own codes regarding the appearance of subsection heads, paragraph indentation, word spacing, and page breaks; do not use explicit TeX coding to control line and page breaks, and do not use explicit horizontal and vertical spacing commands. Let LaTeX or AMSTeX do this for you. These are all design features that our designers and compositors will most likely need to alter and the less you change these elements, the easier it will be for the compositor to substitute the necessary codes and macros to impose the chosen design. TeX allows you the ability to produce a book-crafted quality manuscript, and it is tempting to format your files so as to achieve a more aesthetic appearance; but if we are to typeset the manuscript for you, we ask that you please refrain from doing so. The more “creative” coding you use, the more difficult and costly it will be for us to work with your files. In other words, let us worry about typesetting so you can concentrate on writing.

    1. Use the Computer Modern fonts only, and use those Computer Modern fonts provided by the TeX version you are using. The compositor will change the fonts as necessary. If you are responsible for page makeup, see the discussion of font options in Section 3 The Document Preamble and Class Options, of this document.

    2. Please keep format and content separate; do not put typesetting codes within key formats. If you find it necessary to make modifications, please keep a list, keep the modifications separate from the text, and try to keep them all in one place (such as confined to a *.STY file or to the preamble of your document file). Should it become necessary for us to redefine your format coding, it is much easier for us if we can find the codes. Do not insert format coding in the middle of your text (for example, defining the type size and width of an extract). If you find that you have to create new formats as you work, please flag the manuscript where these new items appear, and then place the appropriate coding at the beginning of your file.

    3. Please let us know if you are using any style file other than the Princeton pupbook.cls for LaTeX 2eNote: altered versions of the standard book.sty do exist. If you are aware that you are using an altered version, please let us know. If you have no idea, please tell us where you obtained your book.sty. (The default LaTeX book.sty has a text height of 44 picas [approximately 7 1/4 inches], and a text width of 27 picas [approximately 4 1/2 inches])

    4. Do not use any figure placement programs to embed illustrations in your files. Textures users: Although Textures permits Macintosh-style cut and paste operations on figures, please avoid using this feature. Your artwork should consist of separate files on-disk, called into the LaTeX 2document using the standard art insertion macros.

    5. Please check to make sure your files are coded as consistently as possible.

  3. Preparing a test disk. Before we receive your manuscript, it is imperative that you send a disk containing a few sample files. This allows us to get an idea of how your files have been prepared and also will enable us to anticipate problems we might encounter in the typesetting of your files. On your test disk, please include in the sample files:

    On a separate disk, please send a sample of the graphics program (if any) that you are using. Please note that test disk(s) will not be returned to you, so please keep backups of anything you send.

    1. Several complete paragraphs containing some of the more complicated mathematical formulae, footnotes, and section headings

    2. Sample bibliographic references

    3. Examples of block quotations, lists, and tables

  4. Submitting the manuscript. Before submitting your final manuscript, please talk with your acquisitions editor. He/she will tell you exactly what the production editor will need.

    1. Provide electronic files that match your printout precisely. If you make corrections after printing out the final manuscript, please add them to the manuscript by hand or on separate sheets of paper that are marked “not on disk” do not print out new pages with corrections that are not reflected in the files supplied to the Press.

    2. Include a list of file names and the corresponding manuscript page numbers.

    3. List all accents and special (mathematical, Greek, Fraktur, etc.) characters that appear in the manuscript.

    4. Keep a complete set of backup disks.


  5. Copyediting. Do not make changes to your backups during copyediting.

    The copyedited manuscript will be sent to you for approval. This is your last opportunity to make changes on the physical copy. Thereafter, all approved editorial corrections will be added to your electronic files by the TeX manuscript compositor.


If you have any difficulty with the macros /general TeX questions / TeX support, please contact Tex Support Team at

You can post any files that needed for support in the below mentioned dropbox location:


2. Introduction

  1. There are concrete advantages provided by standardized macros:


    1. Uniform appearance for entire series.

    2. Since you will see a very accurate representation of your completed book, you have control over the size and placement of tables and figures.

    3. Break long displayed equations properly.

    4. Realistic book length estimation.


3. The Document Preamble and Class Options

The various entries in your LaTeX preamble are largely determined by the fonts present on your system.

If your LaTeX installation includes only the basic Computer Modern font set (CMR font family), use the following entries in your preamble:

\documentclass[optional arguments]{pupbook}
Example: \documentclass[6x9,contribtitle,thmnumcontwithchapter,WebLink,AddlevelTwoTOC,NumRef,BookEndNote]{pupbook}

\documentclass[optional arguments]{pupbook}

Other class options can be included in the bracketed argument of the command, separated by commas. Optional arguments include the following:

10pt/11pt Use one of these options to change the basal text size of your book.
The default is 10 point type.

final Without this option, lines that extend past the margin will have black boxes next to them to help authors identify lines that they need to fix by rewriting or inserting breaks. final turns these boxes off so that very small margin breaks that are not noticeable will not cause boxes to be generated.

contribtitle Use this option for multi-contributor titles which would allow the author names to appear after chapter title.

Enunciations Theorem-like environments (theorem, corollary, definition, lemma, proposition, examples, remarks, etc.) normally number together; that is, they all use the same counter. The enunciation sequence number option allows the user to define these structures in the preamble of the document, using independent counters, if desired.


For Enunciation with sequence numbers, below options can be used:

  1. thmnumcontinue - Use this option to get the numbers in sequence. For example: Theorem 1, Lemma 2, etc.
  2. thmnumwithchapter - Use this option to get the numbers with corresponding chapter numbers. For example: Theorem 1.1, Lemma 1.1, etc.
  3. thmnumcontwithchapter - Use this option to get the numbers in sequence (considering all Enunciations in order) with corresponding chapter numbers. For example: Theorem 1.1, Lemma 1.2, etc.

BookEndNote – Use this option to get the notes as book endnotes. Use the tag \theendnotes wherever you want to print the end notes

ChapEndNote – Use this option to get the notes as chapter endnotes. Use the tag \theendnotes wherever you want to print the end notes

WebLink – It will enable the bookmarks and hyper links for the cross links

AddlevelOneTOC, AddlevelTwoTOC, AddlevelThreeTOC - Use any one of this option to include the heading levels in TOC

NumRef – Use this option to control the Reference entries as numbered list

Name&YearRef – Use this option to control the Reference entries as Author and Year style; for this style, refer to the detailed natbib options in


4. Frontmatter

Consisting of the half-title, series page (if any), title page for single author / multiple author with their affiliations (if any), copyright page, series page (if any), dedication page (if any), book epigraph (if any), table of contents, list of figures, list of tables, foreword, preface, acknowledgments, abbreviations, list of contributors and frontmatter introduction (if any).

Follow the \begin{document} command with:


4.1 Title Page:

Title with Single-author books:

\title{Metaphysical Implications\
of Quantum Mechanical Dynamics}
\shorttitle{Quantum Mechanical Dynamics}
\subtitle{Applications of Magic in Engineering, Physics, and
\author{A. N. Author}
\edition{Second Edition}
\begin{seriespage}[Series page title]
\title{Series book title1,}
\author{Author of series book1}
\title{Series book title2,}
\author{Author of series book2}
\title{Series book title3,}
\author{Author of series book3}

Title with Multi-author books:

\title{Metaphysical Implications\
of Quantum Mechanical Dynamics}
\shorttitle{Quantum Mechanical Dynamics}
\subtitle{Applications of Magic in Engineering, Physics, and
\author{A. N. Author}
\edition{Second Edition}
\author{A. N. Author}
\nextauthor{A. Next Author}
\nextaffiliation{Second author’s affiliation}

\begin{bookepigraph}…\epigraphsource{Charles Baudelaire, \textit{Une charogne} (Les Fleurs du Mai)}


Note: You need not create your entire book as a single file. Use the standard LaTeX commands \include and \includeonly to work with multiple files.

4.2 Copyright Page:

Use the tag \begin{copyrightpage}… \end{copyrightpage} for copyright text

4.3 Dedication

Use the tag \begin{dedication}… \end{dedication} for dedication text

4.4 Epigraph

Use the tag \begin{bookepigraph}… \end{bookepigraph} for epigraph text

4.5 Table of Contents

Use the \tableofcontents command to automatically create the table of contents.

AddlevelOneTOC, AddlevelTwoTOC, AddlevelThreeTOC - Use any one of this option in \documentclass to define the heading levels in TOC

4.5.1 List of Figures/Tables

Use the \tableofcontents, \listoffigures, and \listoftables command to automatically create the table of contents, list of figures and tables.

4.6 Foreword

Use the tag \begin{theforeword}… \end{theforeword} for foreword text

4.7 Preface

Use the \begin{thepreface}…\end{thepreface} environment to create your preface.

4.8 Acknowledgments

Use the tag \begin{theacknowledgment}…\end{theacknowledgment} environment to create your acknowledgment.

4.9 Abbreviations

Use the tag \begin{theabbreviation}… \end{theabbreviation} for abbreviation text


5. The Body

5.1 Part Pages

Insert the command


after your frontmatter. This will change page numbering to arabic, as well as reactivating chapter numbering.

If your book is divided into parts, use the standard \part command:

\part{A Sample Part Page}

Use the tag \partepi{…} for part epigraph if any and place this tag before the part command.

5.2 Chapters

The syntax of the \chapter command follows that of the standard LaTeX:

\chapter[optional text]{Chapter title}

in which optional text can be a shortened version of the chapter title, for inclusion in the [right] running head.

5.2.1 Special footnote in Chapter opener

Use the tag \footnotetext{1}{….} for unnumbered footnote in chapter opener if required.

5.3 Standard LaTeX Commands and Extensions

At this point, all the standard LaTeX commands may be employed, including



 etc., for more display equation styles refer

5.3.1 Lists

Although the standard LaTeX list environments remain intact, several new list structures are available that provide cleaner formatting.

Use the standard tag enumerate, providing indented entries with arabic numerals. Use in this manner:

\item Addition is \emph{commutative}, i.e., $T + U = U + T$;

\item Addition is \emph{associative}, i.e., $(T + U ) + V = T + ( U + V )$;

\item there exists in $R_2$ a unique vector $0$, called the
\emph{origin}, such that $T + 0 = T$ for all $T$ in $R_2$;

\item To each $T$ in $R_2$ there corresponds a unique vector, called
the \emph{inverse} of $T$ and denoted by $-T$, such that
$T + ( - T) = 0$.

Note: Use this same tag for sublist too.

Use the standard tag itemize environment. Creates indented entries with a bullet centered vertically on the first line of text.

\item Multiplication is \emph{distributive} with respect to
the addition of vectors, i.e., $a ( T + U ) = aT + aU$;

\item Multiplication is \emph{distributive} with respect to
the addition of numbers, i.e., $( a + b ) T = aT + bT$;

\item Multiplication is \emph{associative} with respect to
multiplication of numbers, i.e., $a ( b T ) = ( a b ) T$;

\item $0T = 0$ and $1 T = T$.
 Note that the symbols appearing in the first equation are conceptually different; the symbol on the left is the number zero while the symbol on the right is the origin of $R_2$.

Unnumbered list:

Use the below tag
\item …

5.3.2 Theorem-like Environments

The following environments are provided to create various theorem-like structures:






Additional environments are also provided:



5.3.3 More on Enunciations

If you modify the section of pupbook.cls dealing with Enunciations, please rename your modified class file. Do not overwrite pupbook.cls.

After invoking Enunciations, the standard LaTeX \newtheorem command can be used to create the environments mentioned above; in addition, the PUP macros provide a new command, \newtheoremup , that works exactly like \newtheorem, but produces upright (roman) text rather than italic. See any of the standard references for information on using \newtheorem.

Altering the appearance of environments created with \newtheorem can be problematic. The AMS package amsthm.sty provides various options for “styling” theorems: type shape, spacing, etc. all become customizable, to some extent. (All LaTeX packages can be found at The following shows how to create two different theoremstyles that closely match the PUP style, with a user-defined numbering system.

%_%_%_%_% plain style; italic text
        {8pt plus2pt minus4pt}%
        {8pt plus2pt minus4pt}%

%_%_%_%_% upright style; roman (non-italic) text
        {8pt plus2pt minus4pt}%
        {8pt plus2pt minus4pt}%



For a wonderfully lucid explanation of some AMSLaTeX nuances, see the website at:˜charlie/amslatex.htm

5.3.4 Boxed Text

Text within Box (Framed Box)

Use the tag \begin{framed}…\end{framed} for framed box

Text with shades in background (Shaded Box)

Use the tag \begin{shaded}\textadjustwidth … \end{shaded} for shaded box

5.3.5 Extract

Use the tag for extract


\source{Source text for Extract}


5.3.6 Poem / Verse

Use the tag \begin{verse}… \end{verse} for poem / verse.

5.3.7 Dialogue List

Use the tag for Dialogue list


\item[Speaker 1]…

\item[Speaker 2]…


5.3.8 Computer coded programs

Use the tag \begin{verbatim}… \end{verbatim} for computer coded programs

5.3.9 Display Math

The template has been enabled for “amsmath” with all options and can be viewed.



For more details on display equation styles refer

5.4 Bibliography

Here we use the standard LaTeX commands:


The \backmatter command turns off chapter numbering for your Index and Bibliography. See Lamport or Kopka for details on creating the bibliography manually or with the freeware BibTeX program. If you are using BibTeX, we recommend the chicago.bst for following the Chicago Manual of Style.

“natbib” package has been enabled in the template for both numbered and author-year bibliography styles.

For more details refer

5.5 Contributor’s List

Use the tag \begin{Contriblist}\contrib{Contributor name}…\end{Contriblist} for contributor’s list

5.6 Indexing

The preamble statements


prepare your document for indexing. Use the standard LaTeX command


to insert an entry.

After inserting all indexing entries, run the public domain MakeIndex program. This utility will order and format your entries and subentries. Again, see Lamport or Kopka for details.


6. Further Reading

Goosens M., Mittlebach F. and Samarin A. (1994). The LaTeX Companion. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.

Griffiths D.F. and Higham, D.J. (1997). Learning LaTeX. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA.

Kopka H. and Daly P.W. (1999). A Guide to LaTeX: Document Preparation for Beginners and Advanced Users, 3rd Ed. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.

Lamport L. (1994). LaTeX—A Document Preparation System, 2nd Ed. Updated for LaTeX 2e. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.