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Microeconomic Foundations I Microeconomic Foundations I : Choice and Competitive Markets
David M. Kreps

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Chapter 1: Choice, Preference, and Utility

1 PDF file(s)   220.7 KB

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Chapter 2: Structural Properties of Preferences and Utility Functions

1 PDF file(s)   366.5 KB

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Chapter 3: Basics of Consumer Demand

1 PDF file(s)   181.1 KB

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Chapter 4: Revealed Preference and Afriat's Theorem

1 PDF file(s)   110.8 KB

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Chapter 5: Choice Under Uncertainty

1 PDF file(s)   158.3 KB

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Chapter 6: Utility for Money

1 PDF file(s)   192.3 KB

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Chapter 7: Dynamic Choice

1 PDF file(s)   49.2 KB

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Chapter 8: Social Choice and Efficiency

1 PDF file(s)   212.1 KB

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Chapter 9: Competitive and Profit-Maximizing Firms

1 PDF file(s)   229.3 KB

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Chapter 10: The Expenditure-Minimization Problem

1 PDF file(s)   267.8 KB

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Chapter 11: Classic Demand Theory

1 PDF file(s)   155.5 KB

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Chapter 12: Producer and Consumer Surplus

1 PDF file(s)   139.1 KB

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Chapter 13: Aggregating Firms and Consumers

1 PDF file(s)   150. 2 KB

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Chapter 14: General Equilibrium

1 PDF file(s)   141.7 KB

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Chapter 15: General Equilibrium, Efficiency, and the Core

1 PDF file(s)   169.9 KB

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Chapter 16: General Equilibrium, Time, and Uncertainty

1 PDF file(s)   334.0 KB

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Instructor Manual - Zip of All Files

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