Announcing PUP’s Library Advisory Board

We’re delighted to share news of Princeton University Press’s newly formed Library Advisory Board. This global cohort will work closely with PUP in setting a strategic course that prioritizes firsthand relationships with institutional library partners and fosters dialogue around relevant issues, including acquisitions strategies and priorities, increasing digitization, and shifting budgetary landscapes.

The Advisory Board includes more than twenty representatives from a diverse group of libraries, including institutions in China, Europe, and North America, where the Press has offices. Bolstering the foundation of the group were invaluable early collaborations between PUP and the UK-based firm Gold Leaf, whose market research insights informed the creation, composition, and strategic focus of the board and related initiatives. The creation of a Library Advisory Board likewise supports and works in tandem with ongoing backlist digitization projects.

Princeton University Press Director Christie Henry notes: “In addition to being centers of research and learning, institutional libraries have long been vital epicenters of engagement with Press publications. We are very excited about the opportunity to expand our conversations with librarians across the globe who will form this inaugural Advisory Board. The spirit of peer review inspires this initiative, as it does every element of our publishing. We are thrilled have peers in the library community to learn from, and to help guide the ongoing evolution of our publishing in the world’s dynamic educational ecosystem.”

The Library Advisory Board works in close coordination with a previously established in-house Library Committee, comprising PUP staff from across global sales, marketing, and digital publishing teams, including the Press’s Director of Global Development, Brigitta van Rheinberg; International Sales Director, Andrew Brewer; Associate Director of Sales and Marketing, Laurie Schlesinger; Head of Marketing, Europe, Julia Hall; Digital and Audio Publisher, Kimberley Williams; Digital Partnerships Manager, Paige Clunie; and Marketing Associate, Caitlyn Robson.

Building new pathways for partnerships with librarians is among a series of Press endeavors designed to strengthen communities of the book, the sharing of ideas, and the impact of these exchanges on intellectual property. We look forward to the many conversations ahead.