Princeton University Press Director Christie Henry awarded the Special Book Award of China

We are honored to share that Princeton University Press Director Christie Henry has been awarded the 16th Special Book Award of China. The Prize, which is administered by China’s National Press and Publication Administration and announced during the Beijing International Book Fair, recognizes the work of foreign translators, writers, and publishers to facilitating cultural exchange and awareness between China and other countries. Henry is one of fifteen international honorees this year.

In accepting, Henry credited the entire PUP global team: “In the seven years since we first launched our China initiative, we have learned extensively about the community of ideas, and knowledge, and books in China. And we have sought ways to create exchanges, among scholars, readers and listeners. We could not have done so without the generosity and welcoming collaborations of Chinese scholars, publishers, librarians, universities and academic institutions, booksellers, and the media. We also owe a particular debt and enduring appreciation to the members of our China advisory board and our Board of Trustees, whose intelligence, courage, and insights have shaped our every endeavor.”

With a full-time staff of seven, led by managing director Lingxi Li, Princeton University Press’s Beijing office oversees academic marketing, content promotion, and events planning within China, for PUP’s English-language list. The China Advisory Board further helps in fostering the Press’s scholarly mission, including as advisors for authors, ideas, and proposals.

Princeton University Press opened our office in China in 2017, becoming the first American university press to do so. Since then, operations have grown and evolved with PUP taking on exclusive sales and marketing representation in China for the University of Chicago Press in 2022 and signing an agreement with the China Educational Publications Import and Export (CEPEIC) in 2023, further amplifying library distribution and discoverability for PUP ebooks.

We’ve been thrilled to experience the expanded global engagement with PUP publishing among Chinese readers and look forward to continued collaborations and exchange with Chinese scholars and institutions.