Volume 15 of The Einstein Papers available online

Princeton University Press is pleased to announce a new addition to the Digital Einstein Papers website, The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein: Volume 15: The Berlin Years: Writing and Correspondence, June 1925–May 1927. Published in print in 2018, Volume 15 covers one of the most thrilling two-year periods in twentieth-century physics, as matrix mechanics—developed chiefly by W. Heisenberg, M. Born, and P. Jordan—and wave mechanics—developed by E. Schrödinger—supplanted the earlier quantum theory. The almost 100 writings by Einstein, of which a third have never been published, and the more than 1,300 letters show Einstein’s immense productivity and hectic pace of life. The volume is edited by Diana K. Buchwald, József Illy, A. J. Kox, Dennis Lehmkuhl, Ze’ev Rosenkranz, and Jennifer Nollar James.

The Digital Einstein Papers is an open-access site for The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein, the ongoing publication of Einstein’s archive of more than 30,000 unique documents. The series is published by Princeton University Press and edited by The Einstein Papers Project at the California Institute of Technology, with the assistance of The Albert Einstein Archives at Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The series volumes are presented in the original language with in-depth English-language annotation and other scholarly apparatus. Readers can toggle to an English-language translation of most documents. These fifteen documentary edition and translation edition volumes total 18,000 pages and contain more than 8,000 unique documents, of which half are presented as full text.