Noah Heringman at the Haifa Center for Mediterranean HistoryDeep Time

The second meeting of the interdisciplinary workshop on Levant antiquarianism in European History and Literature (1500-1850) organized and sponsored by the Haifa Center for Mediterranean History and hosted by the EUI Florence explores a range of themes and cultural practices which include:

  • Travel narrative
  • Scriptural history
  • Dilettanti
  • Orientalism
  • Tombs and rememberance
  • Natural histories
  • Sacred antiquarianism

Speakers: Damiano Acciarino, Zoe Beenstock, Paul Csillag, Emanuele Giusti, Sundar Henny, Noah Heringman, Simon Mills, Avinoam Yuval-Naeh, Valentina Pugliano, Jonathan Sachs, Umberto Signori,  Zur Shalev, Jillian Heydt-Stevenson, Ana Struillou, Rosemarie Sweet


Noah Heringman is Curators’ Distinguished Professor of English at the University of Missouri. He is the author of Romantic Rocks, Aesthetic Geology and Sciences of Antiquity: Romantic Antiquarianism, Natural History, and Knowledge Work.