Rowan Ricardo Phillips interviewed in Poets & Writers

Rowan Ricardo Phillips is an acclaimed poet, essayist, translator, and sportswriter. Earlier this year, he was named editor of the esteemed Princeton Series of Contemporary Poets, which publishes two collections annually and supports works by both emerging and established poets.

Black man wearing suit

Phillips, who takes over the editorship from Susan Stewart—“a force of nature”—recently spoke with Poets & Writers about the alchemy of the written word, the role writers can play as editors, how he reviews submissions—“there is no slush pile; I’m reading everything”—and the “highly significant” importance of university presses to poetry publishing, “There’s a good group of university presses that have had an unquestionable influence on the writing and study of poetry over the years, and I fear we may take them for granted.”

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Read the full interview with Rowan Ricardo Phillips in Poets & Writers 
Q&A: Phillips Edits Princeton Poets | Poets & Writers (