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We Have Never Been Woke We Have Never Been Woke: The Cultural Contradictions of a New Elite Musa al-Gharbi

How a new “woke” elite uses the language of social justice to gain more power and status—without helping the marginalized and disadvantaged

Class Dismissed Class Dismissed: When Colleges Ignore Inequality and Students Pay the Price Anthony Abraham Jack

A revealing account of the entrenched inequities that harm our most vulnerable students and what colleges can do to help them excel

Negotiation Negotiation: The Game Has Changed Max H. Bazerman

From the world’s leading expert on negotiation, an essential guide to negotiating in any situation—whether over Zoom, across political and cultural divides, or during a supply chain crisis

Charm Charm: How Magnetic Personalities Shape Global Politics Julia Sonnevend

The utilization—and weaponization—of charm in contemporary global politics

Policing Patients Policing Patients: Treatment and Surveillance on the Frontlines of the Opioid Crisis Elizabeth Chiarello

A book that takes you inside the culture of surveillance that pits healthcare providers against their patients

The Last Human Job The Last Human Job: The Work of Connecting in a Disconnected World Allison J. Pugh

A timely and urgent argument for preserving the work that connects us in the age of automation

Sixty Miles Upriver Sixty Miles Upriver: Gentrification and Race in a Small American City Richard E. Ocejo

An unvarnished portrait of gentrification in an underprivileged, majority-minority small city

The Minneapolis Reckoning The Minneapolis Reckoning: Race, Violence, and the Politics of Policing in America Michelle S. Phelps

Challenges to racialized policing, from early reform efforts to BLM protests and the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder

Supply Chain Justice Supply Chain Justice: The Logistics of British Border Control Mary Bosworth

How the UK’s immigration detention and deportation system turns people into monetized, measurable units on a supply chain

The Last Plantation The Last Plantation: Racism and Resistance in the Halls of Congress James R. Jones

A revealing look at the covert and institutionalized racism lurking in the congressional workplace

Love in the Time of Self-Publishing Love in the Time of Self-Publishing: How Romance Writers Changed the Rules of Writing and Success Christine M. Larson

Lessons in creative labor, solidarity, and inclusion under precarious economic conditions

Privileging Place Privileging Place: How Second Homeowners Transform Communities and Themselves Meaghan Stiman

How second homeowners strategically leverage their privilege across multiple spaces

The Interloper The Interloper: Lessons from Resistance in the Field Michel Anteby

A practical and theoretical guide for field researchers struggling with access

Urban Power Urban Power: Democracy and Inequality in São Paulo and Johannesburg Benjamin H. Bradlow

Why some cities are more effective than others at reducing inequalities in the built environment

The Paradox of Islamic Finance The Paradox of Islamic Finance: How Shariah Scholars Reconcile Religion and Capitalism Ryan Calder

How the booming Islamic finance industry became an ultramodern hybrid of religion and markets

The Anthropology of White Supremacy The Anthropology of White Supremacy: A Reader Edited by Aisha M. Beliso-De Jesús, Jemima Pierre, and Junaid Rana

An anthology of original essays that examine white supremacy around the globe through the lens of anthropology

Ethics of the Algorithm Ethics of the Algorithm: Digital Humanities and Holocaust Memory Todd Presner

How computational methods can expand how we see, read, and listen to Holocaust testimony

The Hidden Victims The Hidden Victims: Civilian Casualties of the Two World Wars Cormac Ó Gráda

A staggering new account of the civilian death toll of the world wars—and what it reveals about the true nature and cost of modern war