Speaker Opportunities for Authors

We help authors with ideas find their global audience. Learn more about our agency and our ambitions.

PUP Speaks


What is PUP Speaks?

PUP Speaks offers guidance, training, and logistical support to authors in the process of expanding and maintaining their speaking careers. We combine the weight of a successful publisher with the drive of a speaker’s bureau to help authors build their personal platform over a long period, from the time they sign your book contract, through publication, and beyond.

What can PUP Speaks do for you?

PUP Speaks helps authors build expansive and enduring professional platforms, creating new and diverse opportunities to share expertise with audiences the world over.

If you sign with us, we will help you to:

  • Build speaking opportunities and networks
  • Develop skills in public engagement and speaking
  • Negotiate all terms for paid speaking opportunities
  • Manage all logistics for bookings, including travel and accommodation
  • Arrange special sales of PUP books at PUP Speaks Events

PUP Speaks is aligned with PUP’s Mission and Values and committed to Equity and Inclusion. We particularly welcome applications from authors representing minority groups within their disciplines. 

Browse Our Current Speakers

Learn more about our current speakers.

Praise for PUP Speaks

“PUP Speaks literally saved me from myself after I was overwhelmed with invitations to speak in the wake of the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. They stepped in and helped me sort and prioritize opportunities, took over all logistics, and worked to land new speaking engagements with different audiences than I might have reached otherwise. Katie Stileman literally became a touchstone during my busiest moments—I can’t imagine how I would have been able to do one tenth of the public engagement work I’ve done over the past year without her.”—Cynthia Miller-Idriss author of Hate in the Homeland: The New Global Far Right

“PUP Speaks continually gives me new opportunities to engage with readers, to refine my advice, and to meet with other leaders on the front lines of graduate professional development. The events they schedule for me regularly spark new op-eds and collaborations that keep me up to date in the field. Without the support of PUP Speaks, I wouldn’t be able to manage these efforts alongside obligations at work and home.”—Christopher L. Caterine, author of Leaving Academia: A Practical Guide

“I can’t thank you and the press enough for helping to make all of this happen. It really was the culmination of the dream as a writer. You really allow us “non-big-time” authors to get a small taste of what it feels like to share our work with different audiences. Conversations with community members, those who do the work we write about but will probably not get a chance to pick up the book, were, in many ways, more fruitful than conversations with graduate students who might read every page.”—Joseph C. Ewoodzie Jr., author of Getting Something to Eat in Jackson: Race, Class, and Food in the American South

“PUP Speaks has been the dream scenario for me. The team has freed me to focus solely on ideas. They understand how my scholarship informs our ever-changing social climate, and they handle logistics seamlessly to put me in front of audiences to discuss our most pressing issues.”—Eddie R. Cole, author of The Campus Color Line: College Presidents and the Struggle for Black Freedom

How to Apply

To apply for representation by PUP Speaks, please email us at pupspeaks@press.princeton.edu.