Martha B. Coven

Martha B. Coven

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Speaker Profile

Martha B. Coven’s career has spanned government, education, and the private sector. Her government experience includes more than a decade on Capitol Hill and in the Obama White House, where she served as a Special Assistant to the President at the Domestic Policy Council and as an Associate Director at the Office of Management and Budget. 

Martha currently teaches at Princeton and NYU while also acting as a consultant to private foundations and other clients. She runs workshops sharing essential communications strategies that can improve the performance of any organization, an area she explores in depth in her book, Writing on the Job: Best Practices for Communicating in the Digital Age. She offers practical advice on more than a dozen forms of writing, from emails and slide decks to proposals and cover letters, drawing on her extensive experience to make writing clear, effective, and enjoyable. 



    hands on keyboard Bottom line up front Anyone receiving a bachelor’s or master’s degree has learned how to produce a lengthy paper on a complex topic. But that’s not the only writing skill needed in the workplace. Read More