Unsung Voices: Opera and Musical Narrative in the Nineteenth Century
- Sale Price:
- $37.10/£31.50
- Price:
$53.00/£45.00 - ISBN:
- Published:
- Apr 1, 1996
- Copyright:
- 1991
- 88 pp music
30% off with code PUP30
Who “speaks” to us in The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, in Wagner’s operas, in a Mahler symphony? In asking this question, Carolyn Abbate opens nineteenth-century operas and instrumental works to new interpretations as she explores the voices projected by music. The nineteenth-century metaphor of music that “sings” is thus reanimated in a new context, and Abbate proposes interpretive strategies that “de-center” music criticism, that seek the polyphony and dialogism of music, and that celebrate musical gestures often marginalized by conventional music analysis.