Hanoch Gutfreund

Hanoch Gutfreund

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    Close-up photograph of a figurine of Einstein What can we learn from Einstein today? Einstein has left his mark not only on physics of the twentieth century but also on the public image of science and scientists and on the cultural and political history of the twentieth century, far beyond his area of expertise. Read More
    einstein light Hanoch Gutfreund on Einstein and the revelation of relativity Hanoch Gutfreund is professor emeritus of theoretical physics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he is also the academic director of the Albert Einstein Archives. This is the story about how Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity revolutio... Read More
    Photo of Albert Einstein Hanoch Gutfreund and Jürgen Renn on Einstein on Einstein At the end of World War II, Albert Einstein was invited to write his intellectual autobiography for the Library of Living Philosophers. The resulting book was his uniquely personal Autobiographical Notes, a classic work in the history of science that... Read More
    Photo of Albert Einstein Why is Einstein still so alive? In the title of his keynote address at a conference to investigate Einstein’s impact on science, culture, and the public-political discourse at the dawn of the twenty-first century, Gerald Holton, a pioneer of Einstein scholarship in the historical a... Read More