Best of 2022

With gratitude for the publications that acknowledged these books in round-ups of the year’s best reads, we congratulate all our authors whose books have been named among the “Best of 2022.”

A Kennedy Smith | Artforum | The AtlanticBirdwatchers Yearbook | Book Riot | Boston Globe | Choice Christianity Today | Chronicle of Higher Education | CNNCommonweal Daily Telegraph Fast Company | Financial Times | FiveBooksForeign AffairsHistory Today | Kirkus | Literary Hub | Morningstar New Statesman | New York Times New Yorker | Next Big Idea ClubNPR | Open MagazineReligion News Service | Scholarly Kitchen | Seminary Co-Op Spectator | Times Literary Supplement  Washington PostWaterstones

Best of 2022 List Details

Gulls of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East | Peter Adriaens, Mars Muusse, Philippe J. Dubois, and Frédéric Jiguet
A Birdwatchers Yearbook Best Bird Book of the Year 

The Joy of Science | Jim Al-Khalili  
A Waterstones Best Science Book of the Year 

The Good-Enough Life | Avram Alpert 
A Financial Times FT Critics’ Book of the Year 
A Next Big Idea Club Top Happiness Book of the Year 

The Complete Works of W.H. Auden Volume I & II | W.H. Auden 
A Times Literary Supplement Book of the Year 
A New Statesman Book of the Year 
A Daily Telegraph Best Poetry Book of the Year 
A Tablet Book of the Year 

Hummingbirds | Glenn Bartley and Andy Swash
A Birdwatcher’s Yearbook Best Bird Book of the Year 

Twelve Caesars | Mary Beard 
A Christianity Today Book of the Year 

Blood, Powder, and Residue | Beth A. Bechky
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

The World the Plague Made | James Belich
A Spectator Book of the Year
A Prospect Best History Book of the Year 
A FiveBooks Best Economic History Book of the Year 

Viral Justice | Ruha Benjamin  
A Seminary Co-Op Notable Book of the Year 

Thinking Like an Economist | Elizabeth Popp Berman
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Birds and Us | Tim Birkhead
A Kirkus Reviews Best Nonfiction Book of the Year
A Kirkus Reviews Best Nature & Environment Book of the Year

Lives of Fungi | Britt Bunyard
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Habitats of the World | Iain Campbell, Kenneth Behrens, Charley Hesse, and Phil Chaon 
A Birdwatcher’s Yearbook Best Bird Book of the Year 

Work Pray Code | Carolyn Chen 
One of Religion News Service’s Most Intriguing Books on Religion Read This Year 

I Always Knew | Barbara Chase-Riboud 
A CNN Style Best Book of the Year 

Liberalism in Dark Times | Joshua L. Cherniss 
A Foreign Affairs Best of Books 

The Underwater Eye | Margaret Cohen
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

For the Many | Dorothy Sue Cobble
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Kennan | Frank Costigliola
A Spectator Book of the Year

Rules | Lorraine Daston 
A Chronicle of Higher Education’s Best Scholarly Book of the Year 
A Seminary Co-Op Notable Book of the Year 

The Secret Body | Daniel M. Davis
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Waterloo Sunrise | John Davis
A Daily Telegraph Best Book of the Year

Penguins | Tui De Roy, Mark Jones, and Julie Cornthwaite 
A Birdwatcher’s Yearbook Best Bird Book of the Year 

In Praise of Good Bookstores | Jeff Deutsch
A Scholarly Kitchen Best Books Read and Favorite Cultural Creations of the Year
A Commonweal Best Book of the Year 

The Party and the People | Bruce J. Dickson
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

You Are What You Read | Robert DiYanni
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Delicious | Rob Dunn and Monica Sanchez
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

The Currency of Politics | Stefan Eich 
An Open Magazine Best Book of the Year 

Juno’s Aeneid | Joseph Farrell
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

How Birds Evolve | Douglas J. Futuyma 
A Birdwatcher’s Yearbook Best Bird Book of the Year 

We Are Not Born Submissive | Manon Garcia
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Career & Family | Claudia Goldin 
A Foreign Affairs Best Book of the Year

The Ramayana of Valmiki | Robert P. Goldman
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Laboratories against Democracy | Jacob Grumbach
A New Yorker Best Book of the Year

Spin Dictators | Sergei Guriev and Daniel Treisman
A New Yorker Best Book of the Year
A Financial Times Best Politics Book of the Year
A Foreign Affairs Best of Books 
One of The Atlantic’s Books That Made Us Think the Most this Year

When Eero Met His Match | Eva Hagberg
A Fast Company Best Design Book of the Year

Plagues upon the Earth | Kyle Harper
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Sonorous Desert | Kim Haines-Eitzen 
A Seminary Co-Op Notable Book of the Year 

The Perils of Interpreting | Henrietta Harrison
A History Today Book of the Year

Words for the Heart | Maria Heim 
A Seminary Co-Op Notable Book of the Year 

Britain’s Birds | Rob Hume, Robert Still, Andy Swash, Hugh Harrop, and David Tipling 
A Birdwatcher’s Yearbook Best Bird Book of the Year  

Europe’s Birds | Rob Hume, Robert Still, Andy Swash, and Hugh Harrop 
A Birdwatcher’s Yearbook Best Bird Book of the Year 

Paul Laurence Dunbar | Gene Andrew Jarrett
A New Yorker Best Book of the Year
A Book Riot Best Biography of the Year

Jane Austen, Early and Late | Freya Johnston 
An A Kennedy Smith Book of the Year 

George Berkeley | Tom Jones
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Groundwork | David Young Kim
An Artforum Best Book of the Year

Founded in Fiction | Thomas Koenigs
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Translating Myself and Others | Lahiri 
One of Literary Hubs Best Reviewed Nonfiction Books of the Year
One of Literary Hubs Best Reviewed Essay Collections of the Year 

In Pursuit of the Perfect Portfolio | Andrew W. Lo and Stephen R. Foerster 
One of Morningstar’s Recommended Books of the Year 

Adam Smith’s America | Glory M. Liu
An NPR Books We Love selection

That Tyrant, Persuasion | J. E. Lendon
A Times Literary Supplement Book of the Year

Data Driven | Karen Levy 
A TAP Notable Privacy + Security Book of the Year 

Extraction Ecologies and the Literature of the Long Exhaustion | Elizabeth Carolyn Miller
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

A History of Biology | Michel Morange
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Please make me pretty, I don’t want to die | Tawanda Mulalu 
A Washington Post Best Poetry Collection of the Year
A New York Times Best Poetry Book of the Year 
A Boston Globe Best Book of the Year 

The Spirit of Green | William D. Nordhaus
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

New Lefts | Terence Renaud
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Africa’s Struggle for Its Art | Bénédicte Savoy
A New Yorker Best Book of the Year

Denmark Vesey’s Bible | Jeremy Schipper  
Winner of Christianity Today’s Award of Merit for History & Biography 

The Princeton Guide to Historical Research | Zachary Schrag
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

The Idea of Prison Abolition | Tommie Shelby 
A Seminary Co-Op Notable Book of the Year 

Maria Theresa | Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger
A Times Literary Supplement Book of the Year
A Financial Times Best History Book of the Year

American Shtetl | Nomi M. Stolzenberg and David N. Myers
A New Yorker Best Book of the Year

How Birds Live Together | Marianne Taylor 
A Birdwatcher’s Yearbook Best Bird Book of the Year 

A Velvet Empire | David Todd
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Global Discord | Paul Tucker
A Financial Times Economics Book of the Year

Ice Rivers | Jemma Wadham
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Pioneers of Capitalism | Maarten Prak and Jan Luiten van Zanden
A FiveBooks Best Economic History Book of the Year