Best of 2023

With gratitude for the publications that acknowledged these books in round-ups of the year’s best reads, we congratulate all our authors whose books have been named among the “Best of 2023.”

American Birding Association | Apollo | Art Newspaper | Baptist Times | BBC History Magazine | Birdbooker Report | Bloomberg | Choice | Chronicle of Higher Education | Democracy Paradox | The Economist | Financial Times | FiveBooks | Forbes | Foreign Affairs | History Today | Library Journal | LA Times | Marginal Revolution | Metropolis | Millions | New Statesman | New Yorker | NPR | Project Syndicate | ProMarket | Prospect | Scientific American | Science News | Seminary Co-op | Times Literary Supplement | Verge | Wall Street Journal | Word & Way

Best of 2023 List Details

As Gods Among Men | Guido Alfani
A New Statesman Best Book of the Academic Presses

The Joy of Science | Jim Al-Khalili
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Night Vision | Mariana Alessandri
A NPR Book We Love

The Good-Enough Life | Avram Alpert
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Rough Draft of History | Edwin Amenta and Neal Caren
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Fool | Peter Andersson
A History Today Book of the Year

A Vertical Art | Simon Armitage
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Democracy Erodes from the Top | Larry M. Bartels
A Foreign Affairs Best of Books

Plato Goes to China | Shadi Bartsch
A Seminary Co-op Notable Book of the Year

The Dean of Shandong | Daniel A. Bell
A Financial Times Best Book of the Summer
A Financial Times Best Book of the Year - Politics

Scythian Empire | Christopher Beckwith
A New Yorker Best Book We’ve Read This Year
A History Today Book of the Year

Political Rumors | Adam J. Berinsky
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

The Proof Stage | Stephen Abbott
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

A Monetary and Fiscal History of the United States, 1961–2021 | Alan S. Blinder
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

” You Are Not Expected to Understand This” | Torie Bosch
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

The New Makers of Modern Strategy | Hal Brands
A Project Syndicate Best Reads in 2023

The Man Who Organized Nature | Gunnar Broberg
A Seminary Co-op Notable Book of the Year

Journeys of the Mind | Peter Brown
A Times Literary Supplement Book of the Year
A Seminary Co-op Notable Book of the Year
A History Today Book of the Year

Through the Eye of a Needle | Peter Brown
A Baptist Times Book of the Year

24/7 Politics | Kathryn Cramer Brownell
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year
A New Yorker Best Book We’ve Read This Year

A Crash Course on Crises | Markus Brunnermeier
A Financial Times Best Book of the Year: Economics

Queer Career | Margot Canaday
A Chronicle of Higher Eduction Best Scholarly Book of the Year

Failures of Forgiveness | Myisha Cherry
A Seminary Co-op Notable Book of the Year

Utopianism for a Dying Planet | Gergory Claeys
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Period | Kate Clancy
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year
A Seminary Co-op Notable Book of the Year
A Science News Best Book of the Year
A Scientific American Best Book of the Year

The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level | John Cochrane
An Economist Best Book of the Year

Talking Cure | Paula Marantz Cohen
A Seminary Co-op Notable Book of the Year

Radical by Nature | James T. Costa
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Terns of North America | Cameron Cox
An American Birding Association Best Book of the Year
Birdbooker Report Best Book of the Year

Virtual You | Peter Coveney and Roger Highfield
A Financial Times Best Book of the Summer
A Financial Times Best Book of the Year: Science

The Chapter | Nicholas Dames
A New Yorker Best Book We’ve Read This Year
A Seminary Co-op Notable Book of the Year

The Proof Stage | Stephen Abbott
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Discriminatory Clubs | Christina L. Davis
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Economics in America | Angus Deaton
A Financial Times Best Book of the Year:Economics
A Times Literary Supplement Book of the Year

Parfit | David Edmonds
A New Yorker Best Book We’ve Read This Year
A Marginal Revolution Best Non-Fiction Book
A Time Best Thought and Ideas Book
A Seminary Co-op Notable Book of the Year
A Prospect Notable Book of the Year: Lives
A FiveBooks Best Philosophy Book of the Year

The Chile Project | Sebastian Edwards
A Financial Times Best Book of the Year: Economics
A Marginal Revolution Best Non-Fiction Book
A ProMarket Best Political Economy Book

Ancient Africa | Christopher Ehret
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year
A Seminary Co-op Notable Book of the Year

How to Do Things with Emotions | Own Flanagan
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Robespierre | Marcel Gauchet
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

A Philosophy of Beauty | Michael B. Gill
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

The Road to Dien Bien Phu | Christopher E. Goscha
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Enchanted by Daphne | Peter R. Grant
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Betye Saar | Diana Seave Greenwald
An Art Newspaper Best Book of the Summer

Sacred Foundations | Anna M. Grzymała-Busse
A Financial Times Best Book of the Summer
A Democracy Paradox Absolute Must Read Book About Democracy
A Financial Times Best Book of the Year: History

How Women Became Poets | Emily Hauser
A Seminary Co-op Notable Book of the Year

Christianity’s American Fate | David A. Hollinger
A Word & Way Book of the Year

Birds of Belize | Steve N. G. Howell and Dale Dyer
An American Birding Association Best Bird Book of the Year

Birds of Costa Rica | Steve N. G. Howell and Dale Dyer
An American Birding Association Best Bird Book of the Year

Pandemic Politics | Shana Kushner Gadarian, Sara Wallace Goodman, and Thomas B. Pepinsky
A Foreign Affairs Best of Books

The Manhattan Nobody Knows | William Helmreich
A Forbes Best Book About or Set in New York City 

On Czeslaw Milosz | Eva Hoffman
A Seminary Co-op Notable Book of the Year

Black Grief/White Grievance | Juliet Hooker
A Library Journal Best Book of the Year
A Seminary Co-op Notable Book of the Year

Rain of Ash | Ari Joskowicz
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Freedom from Fear | Alan S. Kahan
A Financial Times Best Book of the Year: Economics

The Aesthetic Cold War | Jason König
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

The Folds of Olympus | Stephen Abbott
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Groundwork | David Young Kim
An Apollo Book of the Year

Translating Myself and Others | Jhumpa Lahiri
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

The Corporation and the Twentieth Century | Richard N. Langlois
A Foreign Affairs Best of Books

Field Guide to North American Flycatchers | Cin-Ty Lee and Andrew Birch
An American Birding Association Best Bird Book of the Year
Birdbooker Report Best Book of the Year

Revolution and Dictatorship | Steven Levitsky and Lucan Way
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Adam Smith’s America | Glory Liu
A Wall Street Journal Five Best Biographies of Economists

Belief and Cult | Jacob L. Mackey
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

The Civic Bargain | Brook Manville and Josiah Ober
A New Yorker Best Book We’ve Read This Year

Pentagons and Pentagrams | Eli Maor and Eugen Jost
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

A City Is Not a Computer | Shannon Mattern
A Verge Readers Best Tech Book of All Time

The Voices of Nature | Nicolas Mathevon
A Library Journal Best Book of the Year

Dividing Paris | Esther da Costa Meyer
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Free Agents | Kevin J. Mitchell
A New Statesman Best Book of the American Presses

Surreal Spaces | Joanna Moorhead
A Millions Most Anticipated 2023 Book

Virtuous Bankers | Anne Murphy
A Financial Times Book We’re Looking Forward To

The Hidden Company That Trees Keep | James B. Nardi
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

The Balanced Brain | Camilla Nord
A Times Best Science and Environment Book

The Lion | Craig Packer
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

What the Thunder Said | Jed Rasula
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Viruses | Marilyn J. Roossinick
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Three Roads Back | Robert Richardson
A New Yorker Best Book We’ve Read This Year

Life is Short | Dean Rickles
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Up from the Depths | Aaron Sachs
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

The Soviet Century | Karl Schlögel
A Financial Times Best Book of the Summer (x2) (history) (critics’ picks)
A Financial Times Best Book of the Year: History
A Seminary Co-op Notable Book of the Year
A BBC History Magazine Book of the Year

Objects in Exile | Robin Schuldenfrei
One of Metropolis’ 10 Architecture and Design Books Worth Adding to Your Reading List

The Synthetic University | James L. Shulman
A Forbes Best Higher Education Book

Algorithms for the People | Josh Simons
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Yellowstone’s Birds | Douglas W. Smith
A Library Journal Best Book of the Year

Human Rights for Pragmatists | Jack Snyder
A Foreign Affairs Best of Books

Alloys | Marin R. Sullivan
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

The Liars of Nature and the Nature of Liars | Lixing Sun
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

Writing with Pleasure | Helen Sword
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

The Sky is for Everyone | Virginia Trimble and David A. Weintraub
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

The Wife of Bath | Marion Turner
A New Yorker Best Book We’ve Read This Year
A Financial Times Best Book of the Summer
A BBC History Magazine Book of the Year

The Wordhord | Hana Videen
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

The Life and Death of States | Natasha Wheatley
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year
A New Statesman Book of the Year

The Little Book of Exoplanets | Joshua N. Winn
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

The Career Arts | Ben Wildavsky
A Forbes Best Higher Education Book

The Roots of American Individualism | Alex Zakaras
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year

The Individualists | Matt Zwolinski and John Tomasi
A Marginal Revolution Best Non-Fiction Book

Disrupting D.C. | Katie J. Wells, Kafui Attoh, and Declan Cullen
A Bloomberg Book About Cities We Read
A LA Times Best Tech Book

The Man Who Understood Democracy | Oliver Zunz
A Choice Outstanding Academic Title of the Year